Summary :
Leisure activities are a significant part of our daily lives. They contribute to our well-being and therefore to our health. The occupational therapist can help persons resume their leisure activities by recommending, making and installing technical aids. In order to meet specific needs, it is sometimes necessary for these to be personalised. The creation of a workshop for personalised technical aids (PTA) within the Kerpape Mutualist Rehabilitation Centre meets this need. In this workshop, the patient’s occupational therapist works with engineers and a 3D designer in a collaborative approach. The combination of skills around the user allows the creation of personalised, functional, aesthetic and safe technical aids. Two clinical vignettes illustrate the possibilities offered by cooperation and the use of manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing. The discussion will focus on the notions of safety and responsibility regarding the manufacture of these technical aids and on the hypothesis that a co-created technical aid limits the rate of abandonment of the use of the technical aid.
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Article rédigé par :
Virginie Contal
Ergothérapeute DE
Référente hippothérapie
Référente vie sexuelle et intime
Référente contention physique
Référente ETP
Service ergothérapie TRAB-med au CMRRF de Kerpape
Florie Yhuel
Ergothérapeute DE
Référente hippothérapie
Référente ETP escarres
Service ergothérapie TRAB-med au CMRRF de Kerpape
Mathieu Rietmann
Développeur produit
CMRRF de Kerpape
Jérémy Besnier
Concepteur et Dessinateur 3D
Laboratoire d’électronique du CMRRF de Kerpape
Rozenn Le Besque
Ergothérapeute DE
Référente vie sexuelle et intime
Service d’ergothérapie TRAB-med au CMRRF de Kerpape
Servane Marivain
Ergothérapeute DE
Directrice des plateaux de rééducation et de réadaptation
CMRRF de Kerpape
Willy Allègre
Ingénieur, PhD
Co-animateur de la communauté REHAB-LAB
Directeur technique du CoWork’HIT
CMRRF de Kerpape
BP 78, 56275 Ploemeur Cedex