Le jeu scénique : médiateur favorable à la socialisation du patient cérébrolésé ?

Expérimentation d’une prise en charge groupale : l’atelier « Habiletés Sociales »

The scenic game: a good means for the acquired brain injured patient's socialization?

A group experimentation

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Summary :

Brain injury generates invisible neurobehavioral sequellae witch cause disability. They impact relationships of the subject and impede their rehabilitation, and their social and vocational rehabilitation. This vulnerability can be associated with isolation. The multiprofessional care and treatment of social skills for people with cerebral damage has an impact on the socialization of victims. This study aims to present the use of scenic games in an occupational therapy group to support and improve social skills of persons with brain injury. For this investigation, a "Social Skills" workshop was created in collaboration with an actress/facilitator to 11 trainees in a medico-social structure. Three persons, who participated in the program during nine weeks were given self-questionnaires, observations and individual interviews. Three of there health-care professionals were interviewed. At the end of the programm, the investigation indicated that participants have discovered verbal and non-verbal abilities, and improved participation by developing new social skills.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Christelle SATTI

    80 rue de Fontenay
    94 300 Vincennes

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