Test de Manipulation des outils scolaires (Man.OS) : extension aux CM2-sixième et étalonnage en France pour un Man.OS 2.0

School tools handling test (Man.OS): extension to CM2 and 6ème and calibration in France for Man.OS 2.0

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Summary :

The “Man.OS” or school tools handling test is an assessment used by French occupational therapists to functionally observe school productivity and more precisely: grip capacities, dexterity or bimanual coordination… This test, designed by Gwenaelle Lefévère, is calibrated for children from CE1 to CM1 by analyzing the manipulation and the result obtained. It includes tests such as sharpening a pencil, drawing a line with a ruler, cutting a shape…
As the population encountered in occupational therapy is sometimes older, we are proposing a modification of the initial test to reflect the expected academic levels in CM2 and 6ème, as well as its calibration. The temporal component is also added to the summary in order to realize how slow some children may be. The calibration was carried out in public and private establishments in Seine-Saint-Denis on 68 children in CM2 and 17 in 6ème.
Statistical analyzes show that the students in 6ème obtain better marks in both handling and results. They are also faster than CM2 students.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Capucine Hamdi-Bourgois

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Exercice libéral CABEX 95

2 commentaires

  1. Bonjour
    La révision de ce bilan est très intéressant pour notre pratique, nous avons effectivement des jeunes au collège a qui il serais intéressant de pouvoir le faire passer. ou pouvons nous trouver les épreuves du test man os2.0 (mesure de la règle, rapporteur, … ) afin de completer notre bilan ?
    merci a vous

    1. Bonjour,
      Pour le moment nous vous invitons à contacter l’auteure de l’article (ergodesmaths@gmail.com) pour toute question sur le Man.OS 2.0.
      Nous ne manquerons pas de vous tenir informés des possibilités d’obtention de ce bilan !
      Le comité de rédaction de la revue ergOThérapies

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