La sexualité est une activité humaine fragile

Quel rôle l'ergothérapeute peut-il avoir auprès des hommes vieillissants ?

Sexuality is a fragile human activity

What role can occuational therapists play with aging men?

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Summary :

It is difficult, as a female occupational therapist, to approach sexuality in older men without disabilities. But it is an important occupation for well-being at home, and neglecting sexual activities can prove harmful to physical and psychological health. This article discusses the medical aspect of sexuality in aging subjects, in order to suggest avenues for the occupational therapist to offer light non-drug solutions. Very often the individual is unaware that one can maintain a satisfactory sexuality, promoting above all health but also well-being. Some practical techniques are discussed here in order to provide pragmatic avenues intended both to inform the person about a sexuality adapted to advancing age and to tackle the subject of sexuality with the patients visited at home.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sandrine Hudson Pradier

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Exercice libéral
    Val-de-Reuil (27)

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