Avec le MOH, « j’ergonne » toujours ! Ou comment les approches psychodynamique et en science de l’occupation peuvent s’enrichir

With MOHO, I am still “ergoning”! Or how the psychodynamic and occupational science approaches can enrich each other

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Summary :

In mental health, the psychodynamic conceptual framework has long been the only reference in France. However, for several years now, we have observed paradigm shifts in mental health and in occupational therapy, with the development of concepts from occupational science. The development of conceptual models in occupational therapy, the diversification of practices and the development of diagnostic writing in occupational therapy have been of great interest to us. This led us to take a training course on the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO). Based on a clinical case, we explore the possible articulation between the psychodynamic approach and the approach with occupational science, here through the use of MOHO. We show that by using MOHO and by associating to it the psychodynamic reading filters, it is possible to improve the person's occupational engagement and participation while keeping activity, which is at the heart of our identity.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sandrine Marrière

    Ergothérapeute DE

  • Florence Lachenal-Mokhtari

    Ergothérapeute DE

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