La place des émotions dans la relation : application du Modèle Vivaio (MOVI) en ergothérapie avec des enfants en Italie

The place of emotions within the relation: applying the Vivaio model (MOVI) in occupational therapy with children in Italy

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Summary :

This article describes the application of the conceptual MOVI model, which is an occupational therapy psycho-dynamic model. Literally, "Vivaio" means nursery or breeding ground. Its application within the professional practice offers a holistic viewpoint of the child's competencies, not only with regard to functions, but also through the application of psychoanalytical concepts.
As an occupational therapist, I have also tried to demonstrate, using our conceptual models created in the 80's, to which extent our profession is in line and is linked with the principles of the International classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF, 2001).

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Article rédigé par :
  • Yann Bertholom

    Ergothérapeute auprès du Centre de rééducation pédiatrique: “Il Paese di Oz” Anffas Trento (Italie) et Président de la Società Scientifica Italiana di Terapia Occupazionale (SITO)

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