L’importance des modèles conceptuels pour comprendre notre (future) pratique ergothérapique

The importance of conceptual models to understanding our (future) practice in occupational therapy

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Summary :

Conceptual models are presented in lectures during occupational therapy initial education but theory taught in isolation generally makes students think that theory is an abstract concept unrelated to practice. For simplicity, they can consider thinking of theory based on the biomedical model, making it easy to understand a restricted view of occupational therapy but not the contemporary view of the profession. I have understood many aspects of the profession and its singularity through the practical application of a conceptual model, the Model of Human Occupation. This article shares the evolution of reasoning based on biomedical analysis for an intervention project considering all the person's characteristics, with the example of two men suffering from the same medical problem. Sharing this experience aims to concretely demonstrate to the students what conceptual models could bring to them in understanding their future profession.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Julie BILLIAUX


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