Modèle Kawa et éducation thérapeutique

Élaboration et mise en pratique d’une méthodologie d’entretien avec des personnes atteintes de polyarthrite rhumatoïde

Kawa Model and therapeutic education

Development and practical application of an interview methodology with people suffering of rheumatoid polyarthritis

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Summary :

Within the framework of the final work of our studies, we proposed an interview methodology based on the Kawa model. The purpose was to help the person take part in this interactive approach and thus to be engaged in the management of their own disease. This study was carried out during consultations with people suffering from rheumatoid polyarthritis. The results show us the relevance of using such a support in order to favor one's access to its life symbolism, allowing us to see various impressions of the disease and its repercussions.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Marine MAZE

    Centre pour Personnes Âgées
    122, rue du Logelbach 68000 Colmar

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