Le stage « découverte de l’occupation » : un levier d’apprentissage à l’IFE de Toulouse

The “occupational discovery” course: a learning lever at IFE Toulouse

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Summary :

The Bologna process, begun in 1999 by 21 European countries, seeks to make university education in Europe more homogeneous. The latest reform of occupational therapy training in France, in July 2010, reflects the necessary coexistence between professional training with a state diploma and university education with a Bachelor’s degree. The decree of May 11, 2020 allows the implementation of LMD experimental projects specific to each university. In this experimental transformation, the questions of internships and work-study programs arose to remove the divide that sometimes exists between theory and practice. The “occupation discovery” course is the result of this reflection. Firstly, we will define the concept of alternating educational reliance and that of the theory of astonishment to promote understanding of the construction of this two-week internship in semester 1. Secondly, we will give its structure and its collaborative organization. Finally, we will discuss the first results of the students’ return and the prospects offered by this new approach to the collaborative internship three months after the start of the License 1 year.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Jean-Michel Caire

    Ergothérapeute, PhD Sciences de l’éducation
    Cadre supérieur de santé
    Responsable de la coordination pédagogique
    Institut de Formation en ergothérapie
    CHU de Toulouse – Conseil régional d’Occitanie

  • Alfredo Letelier

    Ergothérapeute DE, Master en ergothérapie (Canada)
    Formateur IFE Toulouse

  • Clémence Chassan

    Ergothérapeute DE, PhD informatique et santé
    Formatrice IFE Toulouse

  • Alban Dullin

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formateur IFE Toulouse

  • Maud Maronier

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Formatrice IFE Toulouse

  • Déborah Tessari

    Ergothérapeute DE, Master en ergonomie
    Formatrice IFE Toulouse

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