Focus sur un dispositif de formation innovant : le GAPT (Groupe d’analyse de pratiques tutorales) au service des compétences émotionnelles des tuteurs de stage en ergothérapie

Focus on an innovative training system: the GAPT (tutorial practice analysis group) to improve the emotional skills of occupational therapy internship tutors

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Summary :

Occupational therapists who supervise trainees need to develop specific skills for supporting students, taking into account the emotional dimension of the latter. It’s at the heart of the tutor-trainee relationship that the emotional states of each interact to help or hinder learning. Could tutorial practice analysis groups (GAPTs) help to develop emotional skills useful to the tutorial function? As part of an action-research project, comprehensive interviews were conducted with six occupational therapy tutors before and after the implementation of four GAPTs. The data collected tend to show that GAPTs help to develop and consolidate personal skills such as self-confidence ; they develop and reinforce social skills such as understanding others and communication skills ; and, thanks to the space for discussion and support offered by this scheme, placement tutors feel more able to support students in their learning needs. GAPTs could become a training tool for internship tutors, supported by occupational therapy training institutes to improve the supervisory skills of occupational therapy interns.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Yasmine GAUD-VEYRAT

    Ergothérapeute, MSc Educ
    Formatrice IFE
    Ocellia Échirolles
    3, avenue Victor-Hugo
    38130 Échirolles

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