Le modèle Kawa : un outil favorisant l’accompagnement des étudiants en ergothérapie dans la démarche d’initiation à la recherche

Expérimentation auprès de 20 étudiants de l’IFE de Créteil

The Kawa model: a tool for the support of occupational therapy students in the initiation to research

Experimentation with 20 students from Occupational Therapy School of Créteil

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Summary :

Supporting students in the initiation to research methodology is prone to extensive thinking in occupational therapy schools. At Créteil occupational therapy school (UPEC), it has been observed that students show difficulties to think the steps in their wholeness and to consider all the exterior elements indirectly linked to the writing. We opted therefore for the KAWA model (Iwama, 2006) which is adapted to the research methodology. The main objective is to enhance the students’ possibilities by providing room to think scientifically about obstacles and resources needed for progress using the image of a river. Every student gets to complete such an image at the beginning of every practice session. This device has been tested with a test group of 20 students and then with an equal group of methodology.
The data sampling over one and a half year has allowed to show some students’ satisfaction when it comes to the use of this method, as well as an engagement towards the elements considered. From a formative point of view, this tool allows the sequencing of the sessions, a more scientifically accurate consideration by the students of their resources and a funnier approach to a content which is often mainly theoretical. The generalisation of the tool to all the students under the year 23/24 has shown biases in the maintaining of the students’ engagement. A further survey to evaluate the relevance and efficiency of the device is considered.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Alice Boullaud

    Ergothérapeute, MSc.
    Intervenante en IFE
    Ergothérapeute SAMSAH TSA 23

  • Anne Régnacq

    Ergothérapeute, MSc.
    Intervenante en IFE
    Ergothérapeute CHU Nantes CMRR-MA2J

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