Summary :
This article aims to evaluate the potential of using boxing as an occupational therapy intervention with a person suffering from a mental handicap. Occupational therapists targeting individuals’ autonomy in their practice as well as their integration into society, have the possibility, through sports activities like boxing, of developing physical, cognitive and psychic functions. This approach is meant to help the person acquire skills needed for better physical health and social reintegration. Boxing is a tool that an occupational therapist can use to enable the person to enhance their health condition by taking on an active and participatory role throughout the intervention plan. The importance within health care of sports in general, and boxing more specifically, will be discussed in connection with existing scientific data. A rehabilitation treatment plan using boxing in occupational therapy will also be demonstrated in its experimental context.
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Article rédigé par :
Kyrha Lemarié
Ergothérapeute DE
Hôpital de jour La Passerelle
Service de psychogérontologie
18 rue Felix Faure
17500 Jonzac