Corps et mouvements

Apports d’une pratique corporelle dans les soins personnels et le soin psychique

Body and movements

Contributions of a bodily practice in personal care and psychic care

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Summary :

Amid a societal context that promotes physical activity as a therapeutic approach and recognizes occupational therapists as users of these practices, how can physical activity or an activity based on body movement help people suffering from mental illness? This text aims to examine the advantages and limitations of physical activities within the context of enforced hospitalisation, a place where patients express a “need” to move. From this need, an integrative body practice group was proposed by an occupational therapist. Three clinical vignettes will illustrate therapeutic use of this practice in the fields of personal care and mental care.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Muriel Launois

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Enseignante en IFE et formatrice ANFE
    Formation à l’hypnose éricksonienne et aux thérapies brèves
    Créatrice du site ergopsy :

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