Ergothérapeute en Équipe spécialisée Alzheimer : un rôle clé dans la coordination de soins nécessaire au maintien à domicile

Occupational therapist in a specialized Alzheimer's team: a key role in the coordination of care required for home support

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Summary :

A coordinated care pathway and suitable support are necessary to enable people with Alzheimer’s disease or a related disease to enjoy a satisfactory quality of life at home. For that, the Alzheimer Specialized Teams and other professionals and devices must provide them with personalised and concerted solutions. The occupational therapist within the ESA contributes to this coordination, even if her/his main objective is to maintain autonomy. Within the association Présence verte Services (34), this professional has largely integrated this notion into her/his practice both to perpetuate the benefits of cognitive rehabilitation care and to contribute to the fluidity of the care path for people.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Anne Rose

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Équipe spécialisée autonomie
    Présence verte Services
    44, avenue Saint-Lazare
    34000 Montpellier

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