L’évaluation des capacités de la conduite automobile pour les personnes atteintes de lésion cérébrale acquise non évolutive : enfin une recommandation de bonne pratique labellisée par la HAS ; quel impact sur la pratique ergothérapique ?

Evaluation of driving capacities of people with non-progressive acquired brain injury: A practice recommendation certified by the French High Authority for Health (HAS) and its impact for occupational therapy practice

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Summary :

In France, as abroad, Occupational Therapists are much involved in the assessment of driving capacities. For the past few years clinical management guidelines have existed in Canada (CCMTA, 2013), the United States and Australia (NTC, 2012), but the French listing of incompatible medical conditions to obtain or preserve a driving license listed in the order of December 18th, 2015, is limited. Indeed, it does not describe the precise assessment methods which have to be implemented, especially for evaluating the cognitive and behavioral disorders of people with acquired brain injury. In January 2016, the French High Authority for Health (HAS) certified a practice recommendation concerning the resumption of driving after a non-progressive acquired brain injury (lésion cérébrale acquise non évolutive – LCANE). It corresponds at last to these long awaited guidelines. This article approaches the main points of this recommendation which can influence the Occupational Therapy practice and discourse with the people presenting an acquired non-progressive brain injury.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Élisabeth BATAILLIE


    Référente du Centre d’évaluation pour la conduite automobile (CECA)
    Centre Calvé Fondation Hopale
    Berck-sur-Mer (62)

    Groupe mobilité réseau TC-AVC 59/62

    Membre du groupe de travail de
    la recommandation de bonne pratique HAS*


  • Laurence LEBOUCQ


    UGECAM IDF CRF Coubert (77)

    Présidente de l’association GERCAH-IDF

    Groupe de lecture de la recommandation
    de bonne pratique HAS*




    Consultation d’évaluation des capacités
    de conduite automobile
    Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré
    Garches (92)

    Membre du GERCAH

    Groupe de lecture de la recommandation
    de bonne pratique HAS*


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