Clinique de positionnement au sein d’un IEM : protocoles, cas cliniques et retour d’expérience

Seating and positioning clinic at Institute for motor skills development: Protocols, clinical cases, experience and feedback

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Summary :

The Institute for motor skills development of Saint Jean de Dieu welcomes children and teenagers with physical disabilities. Our multi-professional experience in wheelchair positioning led us to create a seating and positioning clinic that provides diversified and individualized adaptive solutions. In this article, we will present the protocol set up by the clinic including questionnaires, assessments and recapitulative sheets. We will then illustrate our daily practice through three clinical cases in order to better understand the use of the protocol and thus to understand the difference between moulded seats, modular positioning and seating systems.
We shall conclude by examining the strength and the weakness of each seating system and the recommendations for users of our institute.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Anne-Cécile FRIEDLING


  • Sophie TOUPET-DÉZÉ


  • Delphine du RÉAU


  • Clémence MAESTRACCI


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