L’installation posturale dans le fauteuil roulant et les cliniques du positionnement et de la mobilité (CPM) : une spécialisation pluridiscplinaire

Wheelchair positioning and Mobility and Positioning Clinics: a trans-disciplinary speciality

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Summary :

Activities linked to wheelchair choice, fitting and positioning are part of a sector which has known numerous evolutions for the last 40 years globally and for the last 15 years in France. The impact of the problems on the body and on everyday life for the wheelchair user is better understood and taken into consideration. Consequently, various evaluation tools have been created since the 90’s. The range of products available has grown and strategies to meet the needs, such as the Mobility and Positioning Clinics (MPC), have been developed. These practices are staffed by specialized teams, trained in wheelchair seating, fitting and positioning, and those who work in a trans-disciplinary manner with the necessary means to meet the needs of (all) service users are usually followed by local community teams. Not all French Regions already have such services available; however, the association “Positi’F” works towards this aim. There is still a lot of work to be accomplished, such as knowledge development through the implication of the MPC in research as well as the harmonization of protocols through evidence based practice.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Élise DUPITIER

    Ergothérapeute conseil AFM-Téléthon
    Direction des actions médicales, paramédicales et psychologiques
    1, rue de l’International BP59
    91002 Évry Cedex

    Secrétaire générale de l’association Positi’F

  • Dr Nadine PELLEGRINI

    Médecin MPR
    Vice-présidente de l’association Positi’F

    Groupement hospitalier intercommunal du Vexin
    Parc de la Bucaille
    95510 Aincourt

  • Éric LOMBART

    Secrétaire adjoint de l’association Positi’F

    Fondation Hopale, Centre Sainte-Barbe
    4, rue d’Artois
    62740 Fouquière-Lès-Lens

  • Sébastien BOUCHE

    Ergothérapeute conseil
    Président de l'association Positi'F

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