La préconisation des aides techniques à la posture dans le système de santé au Québec

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Summary :

Positioning clinics, followed by mobile teams, were developed in Québec to respond to the mobility aids program set up by the Régie d’Assurance Maladie du Québec (RAMQ) since the 1970s. Since 2015, a new reform has changed the organization of the health and social services network through the merger of medical and medico-social establishments into health and social regions.
Occupational therapists, within the multi-professional teams, have a key role in the functional evaluation of the clientele and the recommendation of Assistive Technology for Posture (ATP). Since 1973, the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec has supervised the practice of the profession and supports the development of competencies. The use of a model (CMOP-E, PEO, MOH, PPH…) underlies any intervention of occupational herapists, as in the recommendation of the ATP. The client is at the center of the system.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Véronique PÉRON


    Master 2 Action sociale et de santé (UBO)
    Formatrice à l’IFPEK
    12, rue Jean-Louis-Bertrand
    35000 Rennes

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