Pôle Parasport Santé – Institut de santé Parasport connecté : exemple d’une unité pour favoriser l’engagement occupationnel dans une activité physique et/ou sportive

“Pôle Parasport Santé – Institut de santé Parasport connecté”: an example of a unit to support occupational involvement in physical activity and/or sports

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Summary :

The health benefits of physical activity and/or sports are well known and validated by numerous literature reviews published in France and abroad. It can be a major determinant of health, physical fitness and the maintenance of independence with advancing age or depending on a person’s disability. But it must also be about enabling everyone to take part in a physical activity and/or sport that meets their desires, whether for health, leisure or competitive reasons. To address these issues, specialised support is needed to encourage the commitment of future practitioners. The creation of an innovative service, the “Pôle Parasport Santé – ISPC”, at the Raymond Poincaré hospital in Garches (France), supported by a specialised multidisciplinary team, makes it possible to assess, advise and support people with disabilities, whether in the field of health, leisure or competition.
Occupational therapists work in synergy with other professionals, using the specificities of their analysis to meet the expectations and needs of people with disabilities. Occupational therapists also work to remove barriers to practice and encourage participation and involvement in physical activity and/or sport.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Bryan Boronat

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Pôle Parasport Santé
    ISPC Synergies
    Unité péri-opératoire du handicap (UPOH)
    Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré
    APHP Paris-Saclay, Garches, France

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