Classification en parasport : retour d’expérience et perspectives ergothérapiques

Parasport classification: Feedback and Occupational Therapy Perspectives

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Summary :

Parasport classification plays a crucial role in the organisation of competitions, fairness between participants and, more broadly, in the development and organisation of the Paralympic movement. It aims to ensure that athletes are grouped according to the degree of activity limitation resulting from the impairment, so that competition is fair and equitable. The criteria for classification vary from one sport to another, but the fundamental objective is to minimise the impact of impairment on sporting performance, so that sporting excellence determines the outcome.
Although occupational therapy is still little known in the field of sport and classification, and requires a proactive effort to raise awareness, classification in para triathlon is a challenging and instructive experience for me as an occupational therapist. Para triathlon classification is complex, with assessments combining medical and technical criteria to assign one of the nine existing sports classes, requiring a thorough understanding of impairments and their impact on sporting activity. Managing time pressure, maintaining uniform practices worldwide and considering the psychological aspects of athletes are constant challenges.
This experience has strengthened my ability to collaborate interdisciplinary, to think ethically and take an occupation-centred approach. It has also encouraged me to promote the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of life, going beyond sport.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Auriane Lacampagne

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Classificatrice en parasport
    Manager accessibilité, PSH et Jeux paralympiques

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