Summary :
The significance to consider the accommodation when supporting people with mental health disorders isn’t questioned as home can reflect the mental health structure of people. The accommodation, place of suffering, crossing point or isolation area, is not always favourable to carrying out activities. The main concern for professionals is to support people to live in a place where they can initiate activities. To do that, they absolutely need an objective assessment of the living environment. At this point, occupational therapists don’t have such assessment tool. A survey of people supported by SAMSAH, led to a self-assessment grid of satisfaction about the person’s living environment. This assessment tool is designed to be useful not only for users with mental disorders who participate actively for their recovery, but also for occupational therapists who want to build a supporting plan with personalised targets.
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Article rédigé par :
Marine Guaxino-Pelletier
Ergothérapeute DE
Lucie Peloille
Ergothérapeute DE
Anne-Cécile Cornibert
Cheffe de projet
Mission d’appui régionale
aux SAMSAH rétablissement
Centre ressource et de réhabilitation
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes