Comment réaliser un suivi en ergothérapie centré sur le client et l’occupation auprès de jeunes présentant une déficience intellectuelle en Institut médico-éducatif ?

How can client- and occupation-oriented occupational therapy be carried out with young people with an intellectual disability in Institut médico-éducatif?

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Summary :

Context. Young people in Institut medico-éducatif (IME) with intellectual disabilities (ID) have a low occupational performance in activities of daily living. There is little literature on occupational therapy support in this area, especially on assessments. An occupational therapy intervention for a youngster with difficulties in eating by himself shows the difficulty of acting in a client-centred way. Intervention. Follow-up is described through the use of the OTIPM: assessment is carried out without validated assessment tools, which leads to biases in practice ; the intervention is partly occupation-focused and reassessment is carried out. Finding. The follow-up is not client-centred, and the assessment is not standardised, which keeps us away from the core of occupational therapy. We are therefore looking for solutions in order to develop a more science-based practice. Perspectives. A thorough search of existing assessments shows that some tools are available, even if there are only few of them. In order to achieve a client-centred follow-up, it is necessary to include the family and the youngster from the beginning of the intervention, which may imply a change in practice in IME-type facilities. Conclusion. It would be interesting to create new tools for observing occupational performance of young people with ID. It would also be necessary to expand the scientific occupational therapy literature on interventions with young people with ID living in IMEs.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Anne-Laure Lopez

    Ergothérapeute DE
    DU d’éthique et de prévention dans l’accompagnement de la personne âgée
    Université Claude-Bernard, Lyon I
    Déléguée territoriale ANFE – Loire (42)
    EHPAD La Providence
    42120 Le Côteau
    Cabinet Atout-ergo
    13 rue Branly
    42300 Roanne

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