Intérêt de l’utilisation du SCOPE dans l’évaluation de la participation occupationnelle de l’enfant présentant un trouble du neurodéveloppement (TND)

Using the SCOPE to evaluate occupational participation of children with neurodevelopmental disorders

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Summary :

Occupational therapists (OT) are regularly called upon to screen for neurodevelopmental disorders. However, the evaluations are often based on standardized tests focusing on deficits. However, the occupational therapist must evaluate occupational participation and elaborate an analysis of the person’s strengths and difficulties (occupational therapy diagnosis). We will see through Nathan’s situation how the SCOPE, an occupational participation evaluation tool developed from the MOHO concepts, can complete the occupational therapy assessment. The occupational therapist will thus have a holistic vision of occupational functioning and will be able to propose a more adapted intervention plan.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Marine-Élodie Large

    Ergothérapeute DE
    DELTA 01
    01330 Villars-les-Dombes

  • Céline Degano

    Ergothérapeute DE
    71120 Charolles

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