L’approche centrée sur le client de l’ergothérapeute, élément facilitateur d’une meilleure connaissance du champ d’action des ergothérapeutes, dans le cadre d’une pratique libérale

The client-centred approach of the occupational therapist as a facilitator for a better understanding of the field of action of occupational therapists in private practice

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Summary :

occupational therapists in private practice?
Objectives. To describe the lack of knowledge of the occupational therapist’s fields of competence on the part of the family, the child, and the professionals. To analyse the dissociation between the initial motive and the established support objectives.
Method. This was a qualitative and quantitative study using a questionnaire.
Results. The survey concerned 90 private-practice occupational therapists. It underlines the limited knowledge of occupational therapy among both the families and the professionals motivating the assessment. The client-centred approach allows for the emergence of new occupational goals at the end of the assessment.
Conclusion. Involving the child with her/his parents in the assessment process by providing additional knowledge about occupational therapy and about occupations allows added support goals to merge that are different from the original goals.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Leïla Noblet

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Cabinet Ergo Noblet & Co
    Pôle santé Les Mûriers
    39 bis – 41, avenue de Bonneuil
    94210 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés

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