Sentiment de continuité et de cohérence de soi dans la maladie de type Alzheimer (MDA)

Exemple d'un dispositif thérapeutique groupal à médiation

Sense of self-continuity and sense of identity in Alzheimer-type dementia

An example of a therapeutic mediation device

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Summary :

Alzheimer-type dementia disrupts the self-representation, sense of self and personal identity of the subject. In advanced stages of the disease, patients express mental suffering resulting in psycho-behavioral disorders.

In providing care for our patient ‘Michèle’, in the framework of occupational therapy and psychology, we based our approach around baking activities, with the goal of strengthening her sense of self-continuity. In the context of our pastry workshop, we brought into play key elements such as the retrieval of procedural memory, multisensory stimulation, reminiscence work and anchoring within a group.

This study leads us to consider Alzheimer-type dementia as affecting “connectivity”, in the form of memory associations, social bonds, and more generally in the patient’s capacity to “connect” to her own history. Helping the patient form connections between emotional states and past or present events allows her to reclaim her own identity, and to ward off anxieties related to depersonalization disorder.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Frédérique FOLTZER-DEBRAY

    Psychologue clinicienne

  • Liliane BAUT


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