Mise en place d’une Équipe d’Appui en Adaptation-Réadaptation

Une expérience ligérienne

Implementation of a community support and rehabilitation team

Experiment from the Loire

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Summary :

In 2012 the Regional Agency for Health in Pays-de-la-Loire has published a call for project for the creation of a community support and rehabilitation team which main missions would be: home maintenance and prevention of hospitalizations and rehospitalizations. 10 experimental teams have been created. They are distributed on rural and urban sectors of the Pays-de-la-Loire region but without a total cover of the territory. They are generally consisted of an occupational therapist, a psychologist, a dietician and for some, of a social worker. These teams intervene to fragile adult people, without criteria of age, in loss of autonomy or risk of loss of autonomy who want to stay in their own residence. The request of intervention turns to a professional of the medical or social field. An evaluation takes place at the person’s home and objectives are fixed with him/her. The accompaniment must be time limited; the purpose is to cross the relay to other professionals if a support turns out to be necessary on a longer term. At the end of the intervention, the negociated objectives are assessed and the home professional careers are informed of the work done. These community support and rehabilitation teams make accessible paramedical, social and psychic individualized care at home for people who otherwise would not have been able to benefit from it.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Élodie BOUCHER

    Ergothérapeute coordinatrice

  • Astrid FROTIER

    Psychologue clinicienne


    ZA Le Séjour
    8, rue Léonard-de-Vinci
    85170 Dompierre-sur-Yon

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