Adaptations des documents écrits pour une meilleure participation sociale

Adapting written documents for a better social participation

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Summary :

People with an intellectual impairment, unable to or having great difficulties to read, and individuals with communication disorders are numerous amongst the people requiring our support. It is therefore mandatory, mainly for them, but also to abide by the laws of the 2nd January 2002 (up-dating social and medico-social action) and of the 11th February 2005 (promoting people with disabilities equality of rights and chances, of participation and citizenship) to adapt official documents that people with disabilities need to know to access medico-social structures. This also follows both the recommendations from the ANESM (national agency for the evaluation and for the quality of social and medico-social services and institutions) as well as the quality frameworks of the administrative agencies. It is also compulsory to adapt, more generally, all the documentation containing information concerning people with disabilities or that people with disabilities may need to use on a daily basis. This article will describe a few good practices that enable people with disabilities to better understand and to better assimilate information relating to their interests; and this in a constant effort to promote social participation, wellbeing and therefore aiming to achieve informed consent. These practices include: reading a text and its translation in Easy to Read and Understand format, followed by its image or pictorial adaptation according to the topic or usage.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Élisabeth Cataix-Nègre

    Conseillère technique en communication alternative
    C-RNT APF et Isaac Francophone

  • Marie Rabourdin

    Responsable du département Polyhandicap/Handas

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