Enfants âgés de 6 à 11 ans atteints d’un cancer : l’intérêt de l’ergothérapie autour des problématiques occupationnelles

Children aged 6 to 11 years with cancer: the value of occupational therapy around occupational issues

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Summary :

Introduction. Occupational therapist’s intervention in paediatric oncology is developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature, with a functional rather than an occupational approach. However, now, the literature on occupational therapy support for different populations has suggested a more Top Down approach by intervening directly on occupation.
Objectives. The main objective was to analyse the occupational problems of children with cancer. The secondary objectives were to determine the assessments used by occupational therapists to highlight these problems and to demonstrate the interest of occupational therapy intervention with this population.
Method. Interviews were conducted with occupational therapists working in pediatric oncology.
Results. The interviews (n = 2) showed that occupational therapy intervention has an impact on the resumption or retention of activities that are meaningful for the child during his treatment. Furthermore, it was found that this support would help to improve occupational performance and the child’s satisfaction in carrying out the activities that give rhythm to his life. Finally, the use of evaluation tools such as the COPM or the OT’hope would be beneficial in order to determine the occupational problems, in addition to an interview with the family.
Conclusion. The results of this inquiry have shown the value of occupation-focused support in occupational therapy. Through the use of assessment tools and through activity-focused support, the intervention of the occupational therapist promotes the achievement of activities that are important for the child and his family.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Doriane Horville

    Ergothérapeute DE

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