Quelle perception et quelle utilisation de l’aide technique personnalisée en impression 3D réalisée lors du séjour de réadaptation ?

Retour sur 3 ans d’expérience du REHAB-LAB de la Fondation Ildys

What is the perception and use of the 3D printed personalised technical aid produced during the rehabilitation stay?

A look back at 3 years of experience of the REHAB-LAB of the Ildys Foundation

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Summary :

3D printing is a rapidly growing topic in professional occupational therapy practices. We thought it would be interesting to look at a topic that has not yet been studied in the REHAB-LABS: the user’s feedback on the use and fate of the personalised technical aid created in 3D printing after leaving the rehabilitation centre.
This article relates our experience as occupational therapists and referents within the REHAB-LAB of the Ildys foundation, on the Perharidy site in Roscoff (29-France) and more particularly that of the users. Using a questionnaire, we collected the users’ feelings and comments following the creation of one or more technical aids during their rehabilitation stay.
The analysis of the answers obtained was a source of tracks to work on to enable us to improve our practice with the users within the REHAB-LAB: adjustment of the missions of the occupational therapist, role of an innovative creation space within a specialized rehabilitation centre, and collaboration of the user to become even more active during his follow-up.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Julie Guéguen

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Référente technique du REHAB-LAB
    Coordinatrice du service d’ergothérapie
    Site de Perharidy – Fondation Ildys

  • Julie Calvez

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Référente technique du REHAB-LAB
    Site de Perharidy – Fondation Ildys

  • Willy Allègre

    CMRRF de Kerpape
    Co-animateur de la communauté REHAB-LAB
    Directeur technique du CoWork’HIT

  • Marie-Ève Lamontagne

    Ergothérapeute PhD
    Université Laval (Québec)
    Chercheuse au Centre interdisciplinaire
    de recherche en réadaptation et
    en intégration sociale

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