Mieux connaître les nouvelles technologies : la formation des professionnels de santé par le projet ADAPT

Learning about new assistive technologies: training healthcare professionals through the ADAPT project

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Summary :

Introduction. Despite the current expansion of new assistive technologies, the healthcare professionals’ lack of training in this field is an obstacle to the effective use of these technologies.
Situation and context. Occupational therapists, clinicians and researchers in robotics and embedded systems are collaborating within the ADAPT European research project for the development of a new assistive technologies training. This training’s last module, which is the focus of this paper, particularly tackles the ADAPT technologies : a smart and connected electric wheelchair that compensates for users’ mobility difficulties thanks to assistive technologies, and a virtual reality wheelchair driving simulator. The needs which were identified through a literature review and a survey conducted with healthcare professionals helped define our training framework.
Intervention. Five e-learning units about assistive technologies lead to the final module dedicated to the ADAPT new technologies. The multidisciplinary development related to the design of this project’s new technologies led to a completely hybrid final module, composed of theoretical web-meetings and a day of practical demonstrations.
Analysis and discussion. This training course, which is currently being developed, contributes to fill the gap expressed by healthcare professionals in the field of assistive technologies. Trained professionals suggest that new technologies that are in use offer more possibilities for users to increase their autonomy and independence.
Conclusion. This project opens up new perspectives for occupational therapists, whether in terms of training, use of new tools, or widening of the possibilities for prescribing electric powered wheelchairs.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Lucie Ménard

    Ergothérapeute DE
    CHU Rouen, ERFPS – IFE
    14, rue du Professeur-Stewart
    76000 Rouen

  • Sophie Achille-Fauveau

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Réseau Breizh PC Handicap
    35000 Rennes

  • Marie Babel

    Maître de conférences
    Institut national des sciences appliquées de Rennes-CNRS
    Inria, Irisa-UMR6074
    35000 Rennes

  • Redouane Khemmar

    Enseignant-chercheur, Normandie Univ
    76000 Rouen

  • Louis Lecrosnier

    Enseignant-chercheur, Normandie Univ
    76000 Rouen

  • Fabio Morbidi

    Enseignant-chercheur, Laboratoire MIS
    Université de Picardie Jules-Verne
    80000 Amiens

  • Déborah Laval-Quesney

    Ergothérapeute cadre de santé, formatrice
    CHU Rouen, ERFPS – IFE
    14 rue du professeur Stewart
    76000 Rouen

  • Philippe Gallien

    Médecin MPR, Pôle MPR Saint-Hélier
    54, rue Saint-Hélier
    35000 Rennes

  • Emilie Leblong

    Médecin MPR, Pôle MPR St Hélier
    Doctorante en sciences, INSA Rennes
    54, rue Saint-Hélier
    35000 Rennes

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