Accompagner le développement de compétences soignantes chez les mères d’un enfant porteur d’une déficience : une piste d’intervention possible pour les ergothérapeutes

Supporting the development of caring skills of mothers of children with impairment: a possible scopeof intervention for occupational therapists

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Summary :

Context. Because of a historical and cultural legacy, mothers of children with disabilities are assigned to technical caring activities that children require. This population, particularly at risk of occupational disorders, may constitute a possible intervention target for occupational therapists (OT) who are increasingly interested in natural caregivers in their daily practices. Purpose. The aim of this study is to understand these mothers’ process of caring skills development that enables self-adaptation to these activities, in order to help OT to better support their occupational balance. Method. Following a qualitative research method, three semi-structured interviews based on explicitation interview techniques were conducted with concerned mothers. Data were analyzed with a structural analysis method in order to identify a common skill acquisition process among these mothers. Results. These mothers develop specific skills in these activities in three different ways: through theoretical teaching, practice with professional caregivers, and personal experimentation. Personal experimentation plays a particularly important role in this process because mothers show reflexive processes during this phase, whereas they simply restored acquired knowledge before it. Conclusion. According to this study, mothers self-adapt to these technical caring activities by developing lay caring skills. These skills would be developed thanks to an acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge. This study, which defends the need to recognize the expertise of these mothers, supports the role OT can play in supporting the occupational adaptation these mothers are going through and in searching for occupational balance.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Eva Salmon

    Élève directrice d’hôpital et ergothérapeute DE
    M2 Santé publiqueParcours « Droit et gouvernance du secteur sanitaire et social » (Rennes)

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