Personnes ayant des incapacités en situation de pauvreté : pourquoi et comment mieux les accompagner en ergothérapie ?

People with disabilities living in poverty: why and how to better accompany them in occupational therapy?

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Summary :

This article proposes avenues of reflection and action to contribute to improve in occupational therapy services for people with disabilities living in poverty, and even marginalized. First, notions or concepts of poverty, social integration and inclusion as well as empowerment are clarified. Access challenges to occupational therapy in context of poverty are then elucidated. Next, community-based approach is put forward for fostering access to occupational therapy, empowerment and social inclusion of people with disabilities living in poverty. Finally, the application of the community-based approach for people with disabilities living in poverty is illustrated by the description of a practice environment considered as exemplary. To conclude, some recommendations are summarized to better accompany people living in poverty as well as to integrate elements of the community-based approach into its practice.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Emmanuelle Jasmin

    Ergothérapeute, Ph.D.
    Professeure à l’École de réadaptation
    Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke

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