Summary :
Background: Migrants face many occupational injustices that have been described by the scientific literature. Occupational Therapists (OT) have the knowledge and skills to support this population against injustices and inequities.
Objective: To review the literature exploring the question : What do occupational therapists do in their everyday practice that could reduce occupational injustices regarding productive activities for migrants ?
Method: A litterature review with searches on different OT specialized journals was conducted with the keywords migrant*, refu-gee*, asylum seeker AND work, productive activit*.
Results: 881 articles were found and after screening of titles, abstracts and/or full text, 9 were included. Articles were all published in English in 7 different journals and one book, from 1977 to 2017. They were categorised as focussing on : model or evaluation tool (n = 4); occupational therapy community-based or individual intervention (n = 5) ; and activity analysed as a possible intervention (n = 2).
Conclusion: OTs use client-centred or community-based approach which is part of the micro level of the OT intervention. The development of the micro, meso and macro levels are necessary for the expansion of an ethical, political and moral occupational therapy supporting occupational justice.
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Article rédigé par :
Marielle André
Ergothérapeute, MSc OT
Enseignante formatrice IFE-IRFSS
Croix-Rouge française de Tours