L’intégration de l’activité physique dans le parcours de soins de l’épilepsie : l’exemple de l’Établissement Médical de La Teppe

The integration of physical activity into epilepsy care pathway: the example of the Medical Centre La Teppe

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Summary :

Epilepsy is a neurological chronic disease causing generelised or focal seizures. It may lead transitional or ongoing significant disturbances and feed a stigmatizastion process. Physical activity has shown many benefits for this pathology, from the reduction of frequency, intensity of seizures and its comorbidities to the improvement of social participation and self-esteem. The Medical Centre La Teppe is a specialized structure which integrates physical activity into the “trajectory” of epilepsy across different disciplines: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychomotricity, Adapted Physical Activity, patient therapeutic education and health sport. The question was to determine the contribution of each discipline into people’s care pathways. Thus, three logics of intervention were identified: medical, educational and cultural. These logics are invested by professionals who leverage their respective “core business” which are care, teaching and practice as an end in itself. In doing so, they foster pathways between health, medico-social sectors and mainstream environment and more broadly, the patients’s engagement in a “career of physical activity practitioner” initiated by the “disease trajectory”.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Axel Lion

    Doctorant STAPS
    Laboratoire sur les vulnérabilités et l’innovation dans le sport L-VIS, EA 7428
    UFRSTAPS Lyon 1
    Chargé de mission
    Unité de recherche clinique
    Établissement Médical de La Teppe
    25, avenue de la Bouterne
    26600 Tain-l’Hermitage

  • Claire Perrin

    Professeure des universités
    Laboratoire sur les vulnérabilités et l’innovation dans le sport L-VIS, EA 7428
    UFRSTAPS Lyon 1

  • Damien Issanchou

    Maitre de conférences
    Laboratoire sur les vulnérabilités et l’innovation dans le sport L-VIS, EA 7428
    UFRSTAPS Lyon 1

  • Jérôme Petit

    Unité de recherche clinique
    Établissement Médical de La Teppe

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