Summary :
Few empirical studies have adressed the influence of work organization on the perception of occupational therapists' occupational balance in their own personal and professional lives. This article presents the results of an electronic survey of 72 respondents designed to describe the influence of work organization on the perception of occupational therapists’ occupational balance, as well as to describe the knowledge perspective that occupational therapists share and the strategies they use in their personal and professional lives related to occupational balance. Among the 72 respondents in the study, 68,1 % reported perceiving an influence of work or-ganization on their occupational balance. The main factors influencing it are schedule, work context, workload and psychological factors. The main concepts known to respondents are taking care of themselves, organizing their time, expressing their identity, including meaningful, satisfying and important occupations and varying activities. The strategies used to maintain balance are: prioritize, respect personal needs, integrate rewarding, relaxing and fun activities and use external resources. The results converge with those of Clouston (2014) who report that workplace conditions have an influence on the occupational balance of occupational therapists.
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Article rédigé par :
Emily Matteau
Ergothérapeute, M.Sc.
Diplômée de la maîtrise en ergothérapie
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
emily.matteau@uqtr.caUniversité du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C.P. 500
3351 Boul. des Forges
Trois-Rivières, Qc
G9A 5H7
Martine Brousseau
Ergothérapeute, Ph.D.
Professeure au département d’ergothérapie,
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Martine.Brousseau@UQTR.caUniversité du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C.P. 500
3351 Boul. des Forges
Trois-Rivières, Qc
G9A 5H7