Intervention précoce en CAMSP et troubles du neuro-développement

Early intervention in CAMSP and neurodevelopmental disorders

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Summary :

The current evolution of the French health system emphasizes the identification, diagnosis and early intervention of neurode-velopmental disorders (NDD). These missions correspond to the actions of the “Centres d’action médico-sociale précoce” (CAMSP, Centre for Early Medical and Social Action). In these structures, occupational therapists work with children and their families, as well as with children’s socialization sites. After defining the NDD, the current health policy context and the place of children with NDD in CAMSP, the practice analysis of the situation of a child with NDD will illustrate the occupational therapy intervention in CAMSP. Through several early intervention modalities, notably observations in the child’s natural situation with NDD, this example aims to show the articulation of occupational therapy care with the actions of other professionals in a CAMSP team.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Virginie Vagny

    Chef de service en CAMSP
    CAMSP et PDAP (Plateforme de diagnostic autisme de proximité) Les Loupiaux
    Bât B 45, avenue de la Division-Leclerc
    92290 Châtenay-Malabry

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