L’ergothérapeute et la réparation du dommage corporel : éclairage didactique

The occupational therapist and personal injury compensation: didactic clarity

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Summary :

The number of occupational therapy interventions in the field of personal injury compensation has risen over the past few years. Following the recognition of the need for further education to complement registration-level occupational therapy training, and the identification of university-diploma courses that respond to the specific practice needs of occupational therapists, this article summarises the legal framework surrounding personal injury compensation. The specifics of occupational therapy intervention in this field are detailed with reference to the French by-law of 5 July 2010 regulating the profession, followed by precision of the types of damages documented in the occupational therapy report. Intervention methods, taking into account a hierarchy of compensations, is also described before specifying the limits of occupational therapy intervention. Finally, the place and use of standardised and validated evaluation tools is reflected upon.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Laurent Maria

    Ergothérapeute DE
    DU Réparation juridique du dommage corporel
    DIU Évaluation du traumatisé crânien

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