Summary :
School-based occupational therapy has been described in a variety of ways in the literature, and has already demonstrated its interest. In Austria, this mode of intervention is developing. We have not found any study to this day exploring how school-based occupational therapy is financed and whether interventions are based on evidence. The goal of this study was to explore the ways in which occu-pational therapists currently practise in Austrian schools and how these initiatives are financed. The data were collected via an online questionnaire. 72 Austrian occupational therapists participated. A descriptive analysis has shown that the majority of oc-cupational therapists responding propose their services to schools but that few of them actually intervene directly in the school environment. In addition, there are differences in the types of schools (ordinary, private, specialized). Interventions based on occupa-tion are largely conducted during consultations. Most interventions are financed by the country’s social security system, but about a fifth of interventions are not at all financed. These results show that not all children have access to a school-based occupational the-rapist.
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Article rédigé par :
Ulrike S. Rathauscher
Ergothérapeute, MSc OT
Marielle André
Ergothérapeute, MSc OT
Enseignante formatrice
IFE-IRFSS Croix-Rouge Française de Tours
Fenna van Nes
Ergothérapeute, PhD
Enseignante formatrice
à l'Université en science appliquée
Faculté de la Santé
Département d'ergothérapie