REHAB-LAB, aides techniques et impression 3D: de « patient » à « créateur »

REHAB-LAB, Technical Aids and 3D Printing: from "patient" to "designer"

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Summary :

At the Rehab-Lab, the only Fab-Lab integrated in a rehabilitation center in France, Kerpape patients are becoming involved in the development of their own technical aids using innovative 3D printing technologies.
In a first step, the article details the context of creation of this specialized Fab-Lab in the electronics laboratory and highlights its integration in the compensatory approach in occupational therapy.
Then, the Rehab-Lab model is explained. It is a new tool for technical aids creation in Occupational Therapy, but also a new occupation. The Rehab-Lab is a place of experimentation, sharing of knowledge and skills, collaboration between the patient, the occupational therapist and the engineer (or the technological referent).
Though concrete examples, advantages and disadvantages of this technology are developed, as well as the professionals feed back. Finally, an assessment after more than one year of activities makes it possible to evaluate the levels of involvement of the different actors. Beyond technological innovation, the Rehab-Lab sheds light on a social innovation that promotes a patient-client centered approach through a collaborative model.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Willy ALLEGRE

    Ingénieur en laboratoire électronique

  • Soazig DAVID

    Ergothérapeute DE

  • Pauline GAUDIN

    Ergothérapeute DE

  • Rozenn LE BESQUE

    Ergothérapeute DE

  • Servane MARIVAIN

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Directrice de la rééducation

  • Jean-Paul DEPARTE

    Ingénieur en laboratoire électronique

    CMRRF de Kerpape
    BP 78
    56275 Ploemeur cedex

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