Utilisation d’environnements virtuels en réadaptation cognitive : revue de littérature sur l’utilisation clinique du supermarché virtuel VAP-S

Virtual environments used in cognitive rehabilitation: literature review about the clinical used of the virtual supermarket VAP-S

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Summary :

The use of virtual reality tools in cognitive rehabilitation can improve performance and participation among people with brain injury. These tools rely on computer resources to simulate 3D real or symbolic environments and to enable real-time interaction. The aim of this article is to show the need for preliminary research programs for clinical applications in doing a review of specific virtual environment: the Virtual Action Planning-Supermarket made in 2002 by Rosemarie Marié and Évelyne Klinger. The VAP-S simulates a fully textured medium-sized supermarket with multiple available items. This review highlights impact of cognitive impairments in this simulated daily living instrumental task of shopping for items. It emphases the therapeutic need to well understand enabled underlying cognitive processes to open innovative perspectives for clinical intervention.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Éric SORITA

    Ergothérapeute, PhD

    EA 4136 Handicap Activité Cognition Santé
    Université de Bordeaux


  • Emmanuelle GUILLAUME

    Ergothérapeute DE

    CRF Kerpape

  • Annabelle TARRUELLA

    Ergothérapeute DE

    SSR Tastet Girard
    CHU Bordeaux

  • Mélanie COGNÉ

    Médecin MPR

    SSR Tastet Girard
    CHU Bordeaux

  • Pauline COIGNARD

    Médecin MPR Neurologie adulte

    CRF Kerpape

  • Jean-Luc LE GUIET

    Médecin MPR neurologie adulte

    CRF Kerpape

  • Naomi JOSMAN

    OT, PHD

    Department of Occupational Therapy
    Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences

    University of Haïfa, Israel

  • Pierre Alain JOSEPH

    Médecin MPR, PhD

    Institut Fédératif de Recherche
    sur le Handicap

    EA 4136 Handicap Activité Cognition Santé
    Université de Bordeaux

  • Évelyne KLINGER

    Ingénieur, PhD

    Institut Fédératif de Recherche
    sur le Handicap

    Directrice du Laboratoire « Interactions Numériques Santé Handicap »

    ESEIA Paris – Laval

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