Évaluer la participation autrement : le MOHOST

Assess participation differently with MOHOST

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Summary :

The MOHOST (Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool) is an occupational therapy assessment tool, originally in English. It has been translated into French, but not published and not validated in France. This instrument provides a synthetic overview of occupational participation of the person relying on the different concepts of the Model Of Human Occupation (MOHO). This tool allows an analysis of the strengths and limitations of the person's participation, with an occupational therapist view, in focusing on the relationship of the person to both occupation and the environment. Thus MOHOST allows a synthesis that helps the therapist to determine the intervention plan based on the potentials of the person. The presentation of MOHOST and its clinical interests will be illustrated by concrete examples to show an original approach to participation, complementary to the conventional approaches, because it is occupation-focused.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Gladys Mignet

    SAVS APF 16
    16000 Angoulême

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