L’utilisation du journal comme support pédagogique dans la formation en ergothérapie : expérience au sein de l’IFE de Laval

Use of a journal as a learning support during OT training: an experience within the Laval Occupational Therapy school (France)

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Summary :

Experts agree that Occupational Therapy practice is getting more and more complex. Therefore, initial training must prepare future occupational therapists to deal with this complexity, and to do so, the development of reflexive practice seems essential. But one question remains: how best accompany the Occupational Therapy student to become a reflexive practitioner? One of the first tracks seems to be scriptural practice, as putting in words allows self transformation. Two educators, trained in Education, Social and Human sciences, describe and propose the use of two different journals: a clinical practice journal and an occupational journal.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Géraldine PORIEL

    Mcs santé publique spécialisation « Situation de handicap et participation sociale »
    Institut de formation en ergothérapie de Laval
    Pôle régional de formation santé social de Laval

  • Marine TOSSER

    Cabinet d’ergothérapie
    10, square des Bruyères
    29190 Pleyben

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