Le tutorat : une équation à plusieurs inconnues

Tutoring: a many unknown factors equation

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Summary :

When the Occupationnal Therapy course has been integrated into the Licence-Master-Doctorate (LMD) system in 2010, a scheme of internship tutoring has been established in order to meet the needs of the work-linked training. It has been defined for all the allied health professions included in this reform. What about the application in practice for Occupational Therapists in the field? Tutoring is much more than nominating a contact person for the student; it is also a change in professional posture that takes place in an institutional context.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Brigitte DEVANNEAUX


    Cadre de santé paramédicale

    Centre hospitalier de La Rochefoucauld

    16110 La Rochefoucauld

    Maître de conférences associée (PAST)

    ILFOMER Université de Limoges


  • Corinne VERDOT


    SSR Centre hospitalier de La Rochefoucauld

    16110 La Rochefoucauld


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