De la construction identitaire à l’engagement en formation, quels enjeux pour les étudiants en ergothérapie ?

From identity building to training commitment: what’s at stake for OT students?

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Summary :

The concept of professional identity building is a key concept for educators. A precise approach of this concept, an understanding of its mechanisms and the perception of students’ evolution can help educators to adapt their collaboration in a relevant way all along the OT students training. It is particularly interesting to identify the links between this identity building, the identity-related tensions experienced by students and the different existing types of relations towards training: more or less sustained commitment, ambivalence, disengagement, drop-out, etc.

By taking in account the students’ transformation of their representation of their future profession, educators can act on identity-related stress and facilitate the evolution of their relation to training.

This article approaches the development of OT students questioning, from the begining of their training till the end of their formal education, the future OT professional identity building, the possible identity-related dynamics, the relation towards training and the educator’s role.

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Article rédigé par :

    Cadre de santé ergothérapeute

    Groupe Hospitalier de la Région de Mulhouse et Sud-Alsace 

    Responsable pédagogique

    Institut Interrégional de Formation en Ergothérapie de Mulhouse

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