Prise en charge du bégaiement en ergothérapie : les ateliers Bergo

Occupational therapy in the management of stuterring: Bergo workshops

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Summary :

Stuttering is a complex and unfamiliar communication disorder. The resulting visible and invisible disorders can cause daily complications in people who stutter. We tested here whether management in occupational therapy could reduce the invisible disorders of stuttering (loss of self-confidence, desocialisation…) so as to improve the quality of life of people who stutter. To this end, three persons who stutter participated in fifteen Bergo workshops (contraction of the French words for stuttering [“Bégaiement”] and occupational therapy [“Ergothérapie”]) for several months, supervised by two occupational therapists. The qualitative and quantitative results obtained over the course of these workshops provide evidence of the progress made by the participants and show the interest and legitimacy of occupational therapy for the management of stuttering. It would now be desirable to multiply these Bergo workshops, to inform the prescribers and to advance towards a multidisciplinary work (speech therapist, phoniatrician…).

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Article rédigé par :

    Ergothérapeute DE

    Hôpitaux de Saint-Maurice
    Service de rééducation des pathologies neurologiques congénitales de l’enfant
    94410 Saint-Maurice


    Ergothérapeute DE

    Centre hospitalier Paul-Guiraud
    94800 Villejuif

  • Chantal CHAVOIX

    Ergothérapeute, PhD

    Chercheuse en neurosciences à l’INSERM
    Normandie Univ. UNICAEN, INSERM, COMETE,
    « Mobilités : vieillissement, pathologie, santé »
    F-14000 Caen, France

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