CO-OP et scolarité

Intérêt de l’approche et de la méthode CO-OP pour les ergothérapeutes accompagnant des enfants présentant un Trouble développemental de la coordination : application à l’utilisation d’outils scolaires

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Summary :

Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) experience difficulties with fine and motor skills and are often referred to occupational therapists in order to improve their perfor-mance in school-based activities. The Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) approach was developed by Canadian occupational therapy researchers to facilitate motor skill acquisition for school- aged children with DCD. This approach is a client-centred, performance based practice which uses guided discovery to enable people with motor learning impairment to improve skills through problem solving theories. With CO-OP, the client develops his own strategies that can be applied to any daily activity.
This research deals with occupational therapy and CO-OP practical application for children with DCD. The key features have been studied through a wide review of international literature. A col-lection of additional data aims at getting some more information for French occupational therapists who have undertaken a CO-OP training session. The data collection is achieved with a questionnaire and by an analysis of placement situations. The results of the study enable a better understanding of what is experimented by occupational therapists. Crossing data highlights the effectiveness of the CO-OP approach. Indeed, it has been shown that the CO-OP approach improves the perfor-mance of children in handling school supplies. The research also proposes a pilot tool called TOUCS, which could be helpful to the use of CO-OP in school-based occupational therapy.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Alexandra PERRAULT

    Cabinet d’ergothérapie
    La Rose des Vents
    35200 Rennes

    Sous la direction de
    M. Thomas Hérauville

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