Une pénurie de stages en ergothérapie : Retour sur une enquête concernant les fonctionnements et besoins de stages des Instituts de formation en ergothérapie français

A shortage of placements in occupational therapy: Review of a survey on the functioning and placement needs of French occupational therapy schools

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Summary :

The number of Occupational Therapy students has increased significantly over the last ten years. The consequences are a need for more placements on a national level. The OT schools find it increasingly difficult to obtain a sufficient number of placements. As a part of the Union of OT schools in France (SIFEF), a working group of 5 placement coordinators sought to find out the reasons and possible solutions.
A national survey of all OT schools, occupational therapists and students was carried out in three stages: in 2021 to all the OT schools, in 2022 to occupational therapists and in 2023 to the students.
In this article the aim is to share and make visible the results of the survey carried out among the OT schools. A heterogeneous organization and needs for placements according to the different OT schools was noted. However, a recurring problem for all is the lack of internship offers. Some solutions are emerging to increase the number of placements, for example the possibility of becoming a tutor for occupational therapists with less than 3 years of experience or developing co-tutoring placement.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Lisbeth Charret

    Ergothérapeute, MSc. Ed.
    Coordinatrice des stages

  • Cécile Farny

    Ergothérapeute, cadre de santé
    Responsable pédagogique
    IFE La Musse

  • Marie Grillon

    Ergothérapeute, MSc. Ed.
    Enseignante et coordonnatrice d’enseignement
    IUFE – Université Clermont Auvergne

  • Jean-François Guichoux

    Ergothérapeute, cadre de santé
    Formateur en ergothérapie, responsable des stages

  • Leïla Tortora

    Ergothérapeute, cadre de santé
    Référente des stages
    IFE Toulon

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