Repenser le concept d’environnement en ergothérapie

Reshaping the concept of environment in occupational therapy

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Summary :

The context of climate, environmental and social change makes the under­standing of the relationship between humans and their environment crucial. The term “environment” is nowadays commonly used by occupational therapists and clients.
The purpose of this research is to define the similarities and differences between the representation of the term “environment” as seen by occupational therapists and occupational therapy students opposed to the same term as seen by other health professionals and people in the community (potential clients).
A questionnaire has been distributed to adults from different sectors, including occupational therapists. The analysis of two open questions about the representation and the composition of the environment as seen by 184 participants was mixed and carried out according to the occurrence of specific terms.
The main results demonstrate a representation that is much more anthropocentric on the occupational therapists’ side in comparison to the rest of the participants who generally associate the environment to nature. For people in the community, the environment can refer to the “interactions”, to “a dynamic system”, to “the planet” or to “the territory” whereas this view is not considered by the occupational therapists that participated in this study.
Concerning occupational therapy interventions which are built on a person-centred approach, it is necessary to consider the view that the clients have when it comes to their environment and to understand what type of relationship they have regarding it. The meaning of occupations is influenced by the relationship that a person has towards their environment.
Occupational therapists are essential actors in promoting the occupational transition by supporting the reflection on the meaning of occupations.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Sophie Domenjoud

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Responsable pédagogique
    Institut régional de formation en ergothérapie (IRFE), La Réunion
    Membre du R2DE

  • Hélène Clavreul

    Maître de formation pratique en ergothérapie, Haute École Vinci, Bruxelles
    Formatrice Premiers Secours en santé mentale (PSSM)
    Facilitatrice au sein du GRESM
    Membre du R2DE
    Co-autrice et signataire du manifeste « Ergothérapie et Transformation Sociale »

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