Pratique durable en ergothérapie : la création d’une plaquette de pratiques écoresponsables en rééducation et en réadaptation

Sustainable practice in occupational therapy: the creation of a brochure for eco-friendly practices in rehabilitation

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Summary :

In 2019, members of the group R2DE, a sustainable development in occupational therapy, realized that there is a real complexity to institute sustainable practices in occupational therapy practice. Bibliographic research leads to question ourselves. What are the obstacles that make us unable to change our practices? What critical look do the occupational therapists take at their ecological footprints? On which reliable recommendations can we lean on to be more respectful of ecology? And how can we create a better support for occupational therapists in order to help them in the ecological transition of their ecosystem?
From 2019 to 2021, we have led a project to create a brochure in order to be thought-provoking and to support an environmentally responsible professional commitment. This leaflet is aimed at rehabilitation professionals, so that occupational therapists can work with their colleagues in order to create changes. This article presents the process used to create this tool. On one hand, a study has been organized with 193 health professionals to identify the professional activities for which they need advice on ecology. On the other hand, two consultations with experts and some research allowed us to have an accepted and reliable information about sustainable practices. The brochure will be composed with two parts : some practical recommendations about ten key professional activities and some documentary resources. This leaflet is on the R2DE website and has been presented at the AP-HP hospitals during the occupational therapy day. The main goal is more than only having a new tool but having a necessary personal support to medical structures.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Lucie Porte

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré AP-HP (Garches)
    Membre du R2DE

  • Manon Voisin

    Ergothérapeute, Msc.
    Recherche en réadaptation
    Institution nationale des Invalides
    Membre du R2DE

  • Margaux Cornec

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Hôpital Bicêtre AP-HP (Kremlin-Bicêtre)
    Membre du R2DE

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