L’adaptation occupationnelle des ergothérapeutes comparée à celle de la population générale durant le confinement du printemps 2020 lié à la pandémie de Covid-19

The occupational adaptation of occupational therapists compared to the general population during the spring 2020 confinement related to the Covid-19 pandemic

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Summary :

Background: in the spring of 2020, the world was affected by a health crisis related to COVID-19 pandemic and a large majority of countries ordered their populations to stay at home. This confinement had a significant impact on people’s occupational participation.
Objectives: the aim of our study was to observe the occupational adaptation (OA), as described in the MOHO, of occupational therapists (OTs) during the confinement. We hypothesised that OTs have better OA than the general population due to their knowledge of occupational science and occupational balance mechanisms.
Method: 1769 participants (751 OTs and 1018 non-OTs) were recruited and completed an online Occupational Self Assessment (OSA) in digital format to observe their OA before and during confinement.
Results: before confinement, OTs have a higher level of occupational competence and value score than non-OTs. During confinement, OTs and non-OTs have the same level of occupational competence, but OTs maintain a higher level of occupational identity (value score). Unexpectedly, their OA is significantly lower than that of the general population.
Conclusion: our study shows that OTs have a lower OA during confinement whereas they had a better perception of their occupational participation before confinement. The reasons for this difference are discussed in the light of the high demands that health professionals place on themselves.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Nicolas Biard

    Ergothérapeute, PhD
    Chercheur associé
    ERPHAN, Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ
    78000 Versailles, France

    Association nationale française des ergothérapeutes (ANFE)
    Paris, France

  • Aline Doussin

    Ergothérapeute, M. Erg.
    Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches (CISSS-CA)
    Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis, Lévis, Canada

    Centre de recherche du CISSS-CA
    Lévis, Canada

  • Samuel Pouplin

    Ergothérapeute, PhD
    Université Paris-Saclay, UVSQ
    ERPHAN, 78000, Versailles, France

    Plate-forme Nouvelles Technologies
    Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré
    Garches, APHP, France

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